Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 3 What's your opinion?

We had another fun Friday at SuperGirls. Attendees were Greta, Mia, Angolina and Traci. Others had summer school and vacations but I hope we can get everyone together at least one Friday before the end of the summer.

First thing on our agenda was making SuperGirl shrinky dink necklaces. Do you remember those from when you were a kid? I had traced the stencil and cut them out but the girls colored them and then we watched them shrink in the oven in only 2 minutes. Magic! After they cooled off we tied a blue string on them and everyone had a necklace to wear.

Whenever they have a chance the craft table is a hit where they glue, paint and glitter. Today they each made a painting and none of them looked anything alike which was a great transition into our next activity.
I chose four paintings that were done by famous artists like Cezanne and Van Gogh and put them up on the computer screen so they could see them nice and big.

I put up two images with similar content , one above the other, and instructed the girls to observe them without making any comments. 
Then they whispered in my ear which one they liked the most so they wouldn't be influenced by each other. We discussed who liked which painting and why.

They had great comments about color, things looking more real than blurry and the way the shapes looked.
This lead us to talk about what an opinion is.

In the case of the Horses, Traci liked the top one and the other girls liked the bottom one. I asked some questions like:

So, you probably won't like Traci now because she doesn't like the same painting as you right?

If you're still going to be friends with her, then you all need to talk her into liking the bottom painting because that's the right one and she has to agree with your choice?

The girls overwhelming responded with comments like:

Of course we would still like her, that's silly!
We don't need to all like the same thing.
People can disagree on things.

We looked at another set of images that were flowers in a vase. This time Angolina was the only one who picked the bottom one while the others picked the top image and right away I said :
Oh great, now we can't be friends with Angolina!
Everyone got a big laugh out of that comment.
We had a nice discussion about how everyone has likes and dislikes and opinions about things that may not match everyone else's and that's okay. We can agree to disagree and respect others opinions.

After a quick snack on the front deck we had our team cookie baking activity. Angolina and Mia were on Team Peyton and Traci and Greta were on Team Jen. I had set up a mini store with ingredients in labeled containers. They needed to look over their shopping list and get all of the ingredients. They then had to follow the recipe with proper measurements in the right order to make the dough. The egg cracking was pretty interesting (I think I got every shell out)! And, I'm not sure the cookies are as full of chocolate chips as they normally are since there were a lot of hands sneaking nibbles as we were mixing.

After our cookies were out of the oven we walked up to the Deerwood School to check out the new playground. There are so many new fun things to climb and spin on. They wanted to stay longer but we ran out of time.

We didn't talk about a goal for the week but if you notice them doing something helpful, saying something kind, sharing, etc. please tell them that they are doing a great SuperGirl job. Or, if there are times when they are feeling discouraged or getting frustrated you could ask them to think about what would SuperGirl do? They could write their thoughts in their journal too.

They laid down and traced their bodies and colored themselves in. So cute!

See you next Friday!

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